
Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Body Part Challenge

Ruby's friendship recipe

Ingredients-Friendship recipe
1 cup of friendliness
200 grams  of kindness
2 TSP of happiness
A pinch of respectfulness
A sprinkle of caring 
3 cups of laughter 
1/3 of goodness

Tea spoon 

1. Get a big bowl and put 3 cups of laughter in it, Stir it with a whisker  until it is creamy.
2. Chuck 2 Tsp's of happiness in the bowl, And add a pinch of respectfulness.
3. Next add 200 grams of kindness and 1/3 goodness 
4. Put 1 cup of friendliness and a sprinkle of caring.
5. Put your mixture in a baking tray and then leave it in the baking tray to sit for 10 minutes.
6. Put it in the oven for 50 minutes,Take it out of the oven and then decorate with smiles and your done